Monday, June 27, 2022
Weather Recon Mission 1 is in Invest 94L. NOAA P3 Orion, "Kermit." Looks like they found tropical storm force winds. But is there a closed circulation? It doesn't look like it. So we will soon see if they name it. Regardless, Tropical Storm warnings will be up soon for the Leeward Islands and Venezuelien coast.
NOAA2 Mission #1 into INVEST
Type: Low-level Reconnaissance | Status: In Storm
The rain has mostly moved out of SE LA with only some lingering showers remaining. There is still the chances for locally heavy rain and s...

9/7/23 5:25pm Storms diving South across the area with a cold front. Local flooding a possibility. Stay weather aware! #SELAWX
Three day forecast and the coastal flood advisory. Unfortunately the little rain we’ve gotten has not put a dent in the drought. Nor has i...
It’ll be HOT! Today, tonight and Saturday. Also chance for severe storms on Saturday. Stay weather aware. #SELAWX