Thursday, August 24, 2023

Gulf of Mexico Watch

 IMPORTANT UPDATE: Orange area in the Gulf of Mexico by the beginning of next week. For those that are saying this is only going to be a Tropical Storm. The possibility of a rapid intensification scenario does exist in the Gulf of Mexico as water temperatures are very hot. Although unlikely it’s still a possibility. This is going to happen fast and everyone needs to be prepared. Model guidance is hinting at a Florida peninsula landfall. But upper Gulf is not eliminated yet. It’s just to early to tell. Once a center forms we will have much better consistency on guidance. But then we will only have a few days, if that. So everyone on the Gulf coast need to have a plan. Also the Atlantic East coast as some models have a Keys, Homestead, Miami component to the predicted path. #SELAWX 

Three Day Forecast

  Three day forecast and the coastal flood advisory. Unfortunately the little rain we’ve gotten has not put a dent in the drought. Nor has i...